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Do I Need Glasses?

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A smiling person in a modern office adjusts their glasses.

Your vision plays such an important role in your everyday life—from enjoying a good book to getting around safely. But changes in eyesight can sneak up on you and start affecting things like work, hobbies, or even just your overall comfort without you realizing it. 

If you’ve ever wondered if it’s time to get glasses, here are a few signs to watch for: 

  • Blurry vision
  • Double-vision 
  • Headaches
  • Eye Strain
  • Trouble reading
  • Struggles with glare, especially at night 
  • Dry eyes that just won’t quit 

While these issues can really throw off your day-to-day routine, here’s the good news: glasses can make a huge difference in how you see and feel. Your friendly optometrists can help you find the right prescription and frames to match your needs—and your style!

Signs You Might Need Glasses 

Blurry Vision 

Struggling to see clearly, whether up close or far away, could mean something like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), or astigmatism. Blurry vision happens when light doesn’t hit your retina just right, making things look a bit distorted. 

It might seem minor, but even temporary blurry vision can hint at bigger eye issues. Fortunately, regular eye exams do more than just measure your visual acuity, it’s the perfect opportunity for us to look deeper and watch for signs of eye diseases.

Double Vision 

Most of the time our brain is pretty good at taking the 2 images our eyes send to it and turning it into a single, clear view. Other times? Not so much.  This is double vision, also known as diplopia, and it occurs when the eyes don’t align properly, causing objects to appear as 2 separate images. Astigmatism, cataracts, or even a physical eye misalignment are only some of the factors that can cause this condition.

Whether this double vision is temporary or lingers, you should visit your optometrist as soon as possible. We can use vision therapy or special prism glasses to help restore visual clarity.

Frequent Headaches 

If you notice a pounding headache every time you spend too long reading, scrolling on your phone, or working on your laptop, your first thought may not be your eyes. But, constantly forcing your eyes to work harder to focus can lead to tension headaches, a common symptom of untreated vision issues.

If you find yourself reaching for painkillers too often, it may be your vision that needs fixing.

A person trying to work rubs their head due to a headache from poor vision.

Eye Strain 

We spend a lot of time staring at screens—and that time can add up to eye strain! However, it’s not just a matter of overuse that can leave your eyes searching for a rest. Eye strain is one of the most common indicators of an uncorrected refractive error.

That means even if you don’t normally need to wear glasses, the added strain of focusing on a digital screen all day can make a little misalignment into something much bigger.

Pay attention to signs like tired, dry eyes, or feeling like you need to squint while working. A good pair of computer glasses could help you make it through the day easier. 

Difficulty Reading 

Struggling to read print materials like books, newspapers, or labels becomes increasingly common as people age. The reason why isn’t some mystery, it’s a natural part of growing older called presbyopia. This condition occurs when the eye’s lens loses its flexibility and ability to focus on close-up objects, which usually starts around age 40.

Your optometrist can recommend some reading glasses or multifocal lenses.

Glare at Night 

Driving at night can be a real pain for some people. Glare from headlights, those annoying halos around lights, or just struggling to see in the dark—but it shouldn’t be that way! Astigmatism, cataracts, and other eye conditions can mess with how your eyes handle light.

If headlights and streetlights feel like they’re out to blind you, we can help make night driving a bit less dangerous by examining your eyes and determining the issue.

How Optometrists Fit You for Glasses 

Once you spot the signs, the next step is to book an appointment with your optometrist. But what happens after you’re in our comfy exam chair?

The first step involves a comprehensive eye exam to test your visual acuity and identify any refractive errors. During the process, we may use tools like a phoropter (the big machine with all the lenses you look through) to determine the specific prescription you need for clear vision. We may also conduct more advanced tests if they suspect underlying eye conditions. Next comes the fun part—choosing your frames!

Glasses are about style as much as they’re about function. We can help you select frames that complement your face shape, needs, and personal taste. Whether you prefer bold, trendy designs or sleek, minimalist styles, you can walk away with glasses that make a statement and support your vision. 

Lastly, we make some adjustments so your glasses can fit comfortably all day. This step is crucial since poorly fitted glasses can create new problems, like headaches or your frames falling off and breaking. 

See Clearly, Live Vibrantly 

There’s no need to struggle with blurry vision, headaches, or tired eyes when professional help is readily available. Your vision is too valuable to leave unchecked—taking action now could make a meaningful difference in your daily comfort.Book an eye exam with our team at Moses Eyecare Center today and take the first step toward sharper, healthier eyesight! We’ll help you find glasses that not only enhance your vision but fit your style perfectly.

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Moses Eyecare Center

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*** Open the 1st Saturday of the month

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A Style for Everyone

Fashionable and affordable eyewear is available at all Moses Eyecare locations. Our optical Center display thousands of frames ranging from today’s designer styles to an economical “sight-saver” collection.

Highly trained and helpful opticians are here to help you select comfortable frames and the newest lens designs to keep you seeing and looking your absolute best.

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